GraspTech Blog
Travel Data News, Information and Insights
[eBook] Controlling the Ramp of Business Travel Expense Post Pandemic
Download Grasp Technology's new ebook, Controlling the Ramp of Business Travel Expense Post Pandemic.
How Does Travel Technology Impact Your Bottom Line?
Travel technology is the set of tools to plan, approve, execute and account for travel. Learn what travel tech is, and how it impacts your bottom line.
How to Reduce the Cost of Employee Business Travel
Understanding exactly how much you're spending on travel is the first step towards optimizing travel expenses—and ensuring that travel generates ROI.
Control the Ramp-up of Business Travel Expense Post-Pandemic
As the pandemic fades, travel (and travel cost) will ramp up. Here’s how TMCs can control costs and lead in the post-pandemic world.
Good News Ahead As The Travel Industry Prepares For A Strong Return
The Coronavirus Pandemic has hit the travel industry worse than many other crises, but we have no doubt in our minds that travel will be back, stronger...
Travel Agencies Dipping Into the IC Waters
The travel industry, like every other industry in the world, has been playing defense over the last 6 months in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
Travel Managers – Buffers in the Eye of the Storm
After what seemed like the longest 5 months, the world is finally reopening and travel is returning - But what does that mean for travel managers?
GraspPAY Has Largest Single Month Growth Since Covid-19 – Signals the Return of Travel
Virtual Payments through GraspPAY increased over 56% from May to June. Over the last few months, the travel industry has taken huge hits from the...
Travel Managers: Preparing for Post-Coronavirus Travel
How can a company position itself in a way that best prepares for a world that has been changed? What can you do as travel managers?
Understanding The Total Cost of Business Travel
How much is your company spending on business travel? Probably a lot. And for many, it’s much more than they realize. The key to understanding the...
How Travel Data Can Solve Problems
No one is entirely sure of what the travel landscape will look like in the coming months, but with the right travel data management strategy to back you...
Travel Data Strategy: A Different Approach
When it comes to travel data management, little changes will make big differences. Re-frame what you view as small, insignificant aspects of your travel...
Not Our First Rodeo
After all, it’s never the end for us in the travel industry, it’s just another day and another change and another opportunity to learn and grow.
COVID-19 – Impact on Business Travel
The COVID-19 pandemic has been testing the resiliency of the business travel industry. The past month alone has forced companies to make very large and...
How to Succeed While Working From Home
There are inherent challenges to running a company with all employees working from home. Whether it is access to all of your data or access to critical...
Coronavirus Outbreak: What Are Your Company’s Options?
What happens when your employees are all over the world during the Coronavirus outbreak? There are solutions and resources that can keep your employees safe