Travel Managers: Preparing for Post-Coronavirus Travel
After months of being closed, industries and businesses across the world are beginning to reopen. Though it may be a while longer before we are officially out of the Covid-19 storm; Companies are trying to regain as much normalcy as possible. But more importantly, what are the changes that need to be made? How can a company position itself in a way that best prepares for a world that has been changed by the coronavirus pandemic? What can you do as travel managers?
The New Role of Travel
Richard Turen, Senior Travel Advisor at Churchill & Turen, Ltd. and Senior Contributing Editor at Travel Weekly recently wrote about the new role of travel managers. “Our role has grown more complex. We need to explain the new travel realities. We will increasingly be the middlemen in the eye of the storm, the bearers of news about distancing, dining restrictions and hotels reimagined“.
This new responsibility falls on the shoulders of travel managers at any company. In many ways, travel is the lifeblood of businesses. It helps to maintain valuable relationships with clients and partners around the world. In order to uphold this new responsibility, your travel department must not only be agile, but accepting of innovation.
Be ready for anything
It may feel a bit surreal to say this, but the Covid-19 pandemic is just one of many other possible crises that can have a deep effect on our world. Each crisis or disaster may differ in size and severity, but for a travel manager, it is your job to be ready for anything. It means being able to shift your priorities and adapt to the demands of any crisis. Stay up to date with new restrictions and regulations. The number one concern in business travel is employee safety. As a travel manager, you will be the tip of the spear in that effort.
Now is not the time to be resistant to change and innovation. Throughout the vast majority of industries all over the world, companies are increasing their innovation efforts. They are willing to undergo the necessary steps to ensure a quick and timely response to future crises. We cannot afford another crisis to take us by surprise. A proactive response is absolutely crucial.

For travel managers, this means finding the best solutions that will accommodate for quick and adaptable actions. We’ve said it before, for the vast majority of companies, travel expenses are not only the second largest expense, but the most controllable one as well. Now is not the time to be resistant to new innovations and technology. There will be an increase in expectations for travel managers to not only be responsible for employee safety while traveling, but to offer up the best and most cost-effective solutions for the company.
It all starts with Data
Along with managing travel & expense costs, policies and compliance, Duty of Care has been a constant priority for Corporate Travel Buyers. But the COVID19 pandemic has raised a whole new set of questions and requirements. There is no doubt that travel programs will look very different for the next year at least. To move forwards in the gradual unlocking of the world, business has to be confident that their protocols, guidelines and minimum standards are being adhered to and that the data within their grasp can be relied upon to deliver what they need today and beyond.
A good strategy begins with the need to solve a problem. So, let’s take risk management and the tracing of a travelers journey. Data is no longer just a by-product of business travel. TMC data alone will not provide the whole picture which is becoming a critical asset to quick and effective decision-making.
A holistic data strategy helps by turning multiple and siloed data sources into an asset rather than a liability. Harnessing your key data sources, such as travel, HR, expense, credit card and other 3rd party sources is providing greater visibility for business to track, trace, locate and communicate with travelers.
Reliable Solutions and Trustworthy Partners
At Grasp Technologies, we pride ourselves on our ability to offer adaptable and customized solutions that best serve you and your business. Now more than ever, companies need to take ownership of their travel data. Grasp Technologies is here to help you perfect your travel data strategy. Our tools and solutions have been on the leading edge of the travel data industry. We provide our clients with integrated, intelligent and consolidated data management solutions. To back it all up, client service and relations are everything at Grasp Technologies.
If you are looking for a partner who is as equally invested as you and would like to learn more about what Grasp Technologies can do for your business, please speak to us: email or visit