GraspTech Blog
Travel Data News, Information and Insights
Grasp Technologies Partners With Traxo to Upgrade its Popular Corporate Travel Data Management Solution
Grasp Technologies Partners With Traxo to Upgrade its Popular Corporate Travel Data Management Solution
Business Travel To Rely On Air Travel Alternatives
In an article released by Business Travel News, many business travelers have begun to rely on rental cars, despite recent news that air travel is a safe...
Travel Agencies Dipping Into the IC Waters
The travel industry, like every other industry in the world, has been playing defense over the last 6 months in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
Travel Managers – Buffers in the Eye of the Storm
After what seemed like the longest 5 months, the world is finally reopening and travel is returning - But what does that mean for travel managers?
Understanding The Total Cost of Business Travel
How much is your company spending on business travel? Probably a lot. And for many, it’s much more than they realize. The key to understanding the...
Travel Data Strategy: A Different Approach
When it comes to travel data management, little changes will make big differences. Re-frame what you view as small, insignificant aspects of your travel...
Take Control of Your Data with Travel Data Management Strategy
Now unlike at any other time, we are being encouraged to follow the science. The same can be said for travel data management and travel programmes.
COVID-19 – Impact on Business Travel
The COVID-19 pandemic has been testing the resiliency of the business travel industry. The past month alone has forced companies to make very large and...
Coronavirus Outbreak: What Are Your Company’s Options?
What happens when your employees are all over the world during the Coronavirus outbreak? There are solutions and resources that can keep your employees safe
Data Quality for The Travel Buyer
When you have Travel Agents servicing your account that feel they can “do it better themselves vs using POS automation ”, data quality becomes an issue.