August 2022 Webinar Schedule
Wednesday, August 3 - 2:00 PM ET
GraspDATA – Overview (Finding and Running Reports)
Wednesday, August 10 - 2:00 PM ET
GraspDATA – Scheduled Reports and Packages
Wednesday, August 17 - 2:00 PM ET
Advanced Analytics (Report Builder) Basic – Designing A Report
Wednesday, August 24 - 2:00 PM ET
Advanced Analytics (Report Builder) Advanced Feature
Wednesday, August 31 – 2:00 PM ET
NEW FEATURE CLASS – GraspDATA - Agency Admins Features, Functions, Tips and Tricks
Please note, we have a Feature Class on August 31 specifically geared for our GraspDATA Agency Admins. If you are a GraspDATA Agency Admin this class is for you! On this webinar we will review features and functions specific to Agency Admins, such as users (creating, editing, deleting), corporation profiles (sorts, accounts, settings), using Categories and Favorites filters, using Data Café for troubleshooting and more!
*** Please note this class is for GraspDATA Agency Admins ***
The link below will take you to the webinar page on our website, then scroll down to see where to register.