June 2022 Support Team Tip and Report of the Month
Grasp Support Team Tip of the Month:
We frequently get questions in Support about how to use sort fields in GraspDATA. Sorts are used to include additional information on reports, for example, a department number, a job number, etc. Any reports that include sorts will show the information as defined on the Sorts tab of the corporation the report is run for.
We have added a page into our Knowledge Base Q&A that gives great tips and instructions for using sort fields. To get to this page, when logged into GraspDATA, click on HELP under the MENU. Then type “Sorts FAQ” in the Search field and click on the page “Sorts FAQ for GraspDATA”.
Grasp Support Team – Report of the Month:
As mentioned in the Sorts FAQ, sorts need to be set up the same across all corporations, for report data to be consistent. This is especially important if an account is included in multiple corporation profiles. The below two reports will help make sure the sort fields are set up in your corporation profiles correctly.
Report #17159 – Grasp Corporation Configuration Review – this report will show each corporation you have in your Settings – Corporations and if you have Sort info under that corporation it will show you the info assigned (UDID#, start/stop position and label).
Report #16385 – Grasp Account to Corporation Assignments – this report will show you accounts under each corporation. This is very helpful if you have accounts set up under more than one corporation profile, as that comes into play with sort info.
*Please note, if you don’t see that report #, search by REPORT NAME as the report # may be different than the above on your server.
If you have any questions, or need any help, please email support@grasptech.com and we’ll be happy to assist you.